Monday, November 30, 2009

The Government Could of Done Better

This past September marked our 8th anniversary of the 2001 terroristic attacks. Along with the 8 years that has pass, the United States is still in a war which in my opinion is unnecessary. Today, I came across an article on the front section of Yahoo, “Lack of coordination leaves bin laden at large” written by Golnar Motevalli. He conveyed a few surprising information that caught me off guard. The first information that surprised me was about President Obama, apparently he is deciding to send more troops to Afghanistan and the other was the fact that US troops were within reach of capturing Osama bin Laden in the Tora Bora Caves back in 2001 but with lack of intelligence, he slipped away.
The first information truly angers me. According to one of Obama’s promises that he made when running for the office, was to bring our troops back home. Although Obama is a better fit for president than Bush will ever be, it feels as though Obama is taking the same road as Bush did when he was president. By sending our troops overseas, we are doing nothing but losing our soldiers and loved ones.
The other surprising and not so surprising information because it involves Bush and his administration was the fact that they let Osama bin laden get away due to lack of coordination. A report from congress stated "The failure to finish the job represents a lost opportunity that forever altered the course of the conflict in Afghanistan and the future of international terrorism” and it also blames Bush and his administration for the failure. Nevertheless, again this angers me, with so many mishaps including this poorly coordinated intelligence, I wonder how George Bush got into office and why people voted for him to begin with. This president couldn’t defend our country, this president took us into war that is lasting more than any other wars in the US history, this president couldn’t find the weapons of mass destruction, and heck this president reads a book upside down!

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