Monday, December 7, 2009

Blog 8: English as the National Language

In the National Dispute, there is an article titled “English as the National Language” which somewhat got me a little upset at his article. I do agree that our nation was found on the basis of the English Language when the Constitution was written in 1787. For the first couple of centuries, English was the dominate language since Caucasians and African Americans has used it while other countries other than English speaking countries didn’t immigrate here. But we have to face the facts that not only the Hispanic language but other languages like Korean, Chinese, French, African, etc are being spoken rather than English. To make English a law to be the dominate language is taking away people’s First Amendments and heritage and cultures. The colonist came from all over Europe to this land to be “free” from controlling countries and if we imposed a law about language, how can this country be title “the land of the free?”
In part of the article he states “I work with an entirely Mexican crew in a restaurant, all of whom continuously speak Spanish. To communicate with them, I am forced to speak in Spanish because they do not have the slightest desire to learn English.” Yes you are forced to speak their language, but you have to see the bigger picture. Why are they there? The reason why you have to speak their language to communicate to them is not their fault. Blame it on us, the American people; we are to “proud” to work in environments like that. Blame it on your employers, they are the ones that hired them to pay them minimum wage. Blame it on your friends and people you know that didn’t apply for the job. It is not their fault that they are willing to work the jobs that we don’t want to and we get upset because they are taking our jobs and complaining about their language.
Although this may not be related to Government but rather a personal statement, I am Korean American and honestly I would rather talk in my mother’s language. From movies, music, and people, I hear the English language used in disrespectful way especially towards our elders and women but unlike English, the Korean language is more respectable and is more tolerable to hear. You stated “pockets and ghettos are created based upon the language spoken”, your right it is, listen up and you will agree with your own statement.

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