Thursday, November 12, 2009

Blog Stage 6: Illegal Aliens

In the article titled “Illegal Aliens” by Manuela Olivares, the person indicates how there is an unfair system of the people that come from Mexico illegally. As I read through the whole article, I couldn’t agree more with Manuela, on how a group of people can be treated so badly. Yes, people may be upset that our hard earned tax money is being used to keep the illegal aliens out but there are no results, Hispanics still manage to find a way into the US in record numbers. Going along side with the author, why doesn’t the government use our hard earned money to educate and help our southern neighbors with documentation and obtain citizenship? At least this way, there could be no objections on whether our money goes to a worthless cause.
I do however disagree on the comment about the twin towers, it is true that our Hispanic brothers and sisters were not part of the terroristic but that is not the reason why Americans fear Hispanics. In my opinion, it is all based on fear or prejudice of Hispanics invading a territory. For instance, I have witnessed a predominate Caucasian and Asian neighborhood with a prejudice mindset when a few African American families moved in. They felt as though the neighborhood was getting “ghetto”.
Manuela indicated that Hispanics are the ones that are doing the hard labor for less pay. I couldn’t agree more. The only reason why Hispanics are doing the hard work is because we Americans won’t do it and they take the initiative to do it. It’s also unfair that Hispanics are getting paid under the minimum pay rate for what they do and the government isn’t doing anything about it. Last I recalled, slavery ended with the 13th amendment! Why do I see all the Hispanics cutting grass and picking up trash while the white and even the black man is standing there under the shade drinking a cool glass of water?
I guess our country and government has forgotten that we are the land of opportunity and prosperity.

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