Thursday, October 15, 2009

Allison Kilkenny on Grandma getting Tasered

I came across this blog about a grandma getting tasered in Travis County of this year written by Allison Kilkenny on The Smirking Chimp. To my surprised, she was actually defending the 72 year old great grandma who is named Kathryn Winkfein that got tasered on May 11, 2009. She also included “Winkfein deserved compensation, but she did nothing to warrant being tasered by a power hungry police officer. Victims, stop the apologies.”

What the heck is Allison thinking!? Has she not seen the dashboard camera that captured the whole fiasco? Maybe she needs to watch it multiple times!

I know what many of you are thinking? How could you be cold hearted to see an old woman getting tasered? Look, old woman or not, she should not have acted the way she did. Just because you are a senior citizen does not grant you to drive 65 on a 40 and also does not give you the right to act aggressively to a police officer.

Another thing I wanted to add that I disagree with Allison is the compensation for the action. In my opinion, Kathryn does not deserve to get one penny for her meltdown, it’s like rewarding a child a piece of candy when they did something wrong. According to Richard McCain, a Travis County Constable, he said “When the County wrote a check for $40,000 it rewarded this defendant for bad behavior, which is wrong." – I agree!

I will give Ms. Kilkenny credibility on this blog however. Not because of her biased blog on the issue but because of the fact that tasers are indeed harmful and/or fatal. I do agree that 50,000 volts of electricity could be a daring way to stop a heart from beating.

In conclusion, I would hate to see my grandma getting tasered and I will be very upset as well if she did (I know this will never happen). But Allison needs to realize that when a human being no matter the age puts herself or another person in danger, maybe the only way to solve the problem is getting tasered.

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