Thursday, September 17, 2009

Missle Defence System

Sept. 17, 2009

Today, President Obama stated that he is coming with a “new approach” for the missile system that former president Bush started to build during his office. Remember the one that made Poland and Czech happy and Russia very angry with us? Well with the new system that President Obama issuing has a complete opposite effect on the nation. He stated that the new system will be “smarter, safer, swifter” than the last missile defense. Mainly because they will be using smaller SM-3 Missiles instead of 10 ground-based interceptors.

President Obama and I agree on is that we need to have a missile defense in that region just like president Bush suggested. With Iran being a threat, we need to protect our fellow Allies.

Not to sound upset with our Republicans…but WHAT is the Republicans thinking? Republicans like John McCain of Arizona fear that Russia will renew their adventurism. Did we fear their “adventurism” when we first set up the missile defense by George Bush? Geoff Morrell stated that we are only “adjusting the system” which I agree. We need to adjust our system of defense because in reality Iran is adjusting their system as well.

Ultimately in the end, it is not about upsetting Poland, Czech, or even Russia. It’s about protecting innocent people of Poland, Czech, Russia, and the rest of the world from dangerous countries like Iran.